
With the purchase of “Marsh” a Romney ram from Little Hooves of Moorestown, NJ, we are now offering Dorey lambs, a cross between our Dorset ewes and Marsh.  This cross promises superior growth and wool production.  These lambs are available for your freezer or your breeding program. 

Bruins - Roodehaan Farm


Raw wool may be purchased by the fleece or in small amounts for crafts. 

Polled Dorset Sheep

The ultimate mother, the Dorset is a milk producing, caring mother, calm around children and capable of producing a lamb possessing a superior carcass.  In Australia, where sheep is King, the Dorset is recognized for “ideal muscle patterns and superior taste and tenderness”, according to www.polldo​  This website also notes that Polled Dorset genetics lead the way in LMY (Lean Meat Yield), the key in measuring carcass value.”  Quick growing, long-loined Dorset lambs mean a greater return on your investment dollar.

“Lamb” is both, a sheep under one year of age and the meat from that sheep.

Major cuts of lamb:
                1) shoulder
                2) rib
                3) shank/breast
                4) loin
                5) leg

Dorsets can produce lambs twice a year.  Known as “out of season breeders”, they need no hormones to come into heat and become productive in the fall, after lambing in the spring.   Although known as meat sheep, Dorset also produce a “medium” white wool with a staple length averaging 3 inches and a diameter range from 26 to 33 microns.  It is a springy, soft wool.  Our ewes produce an average of 8 pounds each year.